We are grateful to call Park City home. Natural beauty, sustainable stewardship and a welcoming community are at the center of Park City… and the vision of our boutique brand. We believe that by making products worthy of our home, we have a chance of earning a place in yours.

Our Philosophy

What Comes After is Earned

Living in (or visiting) the mountains involves hardship.  Active days at elevation, harsh cold and sun. Hard roads make for better adventures. There is a reason why aprés started in the mountains though!  We believe ‘What Comes After is Earned.’ In the balance of hardship & effort, and in the moments you earn after with family and friends, a truly great life is discovered.

two young girls holding smmt tote bags

Our Community


Koselig in Norwegian means something like a calm and comfortable time with friends and family. An atmosphere of warmth, well-being and coziness, often in nature. Enjoying life’s simple pleasures. Park City is known for many things, but we think it’s the warmth of the community that leaves the most lasting impression. Building a brand that forwards this notion is our lasting mission. 

park city winter scene
decorative image

Our Commitment

Protect the Places we Live and Play

Park City inspires through its environmental stewardship. It only follows that a brand born here should endeavor to do the same. We contribute 1% of every sale to Summit Land Conservancy, to protect the land, water and the natural environment locally. Although we never sacrifice quality, SMMT strives to use primarily environmentally friendly & recycled materials, where possible. We are not perfect, but we will continually strive to have a positive impact on the places we live & play.


Jamie & Michelle Parker

SMMT is the reflection of a lifetime journey for Founders Jamie & Michelle. Inspired by a shared passion for the outdoors, which began on opposite coasts. Sun-filled days exploring the beaches and ocean of Martha’s Vineyard, and the misty forests and dust filled trails of the Pacific Northwest, are the roots of the SMMT brand. A collective 28 years at Nike, spanning 3 continents, sparked their affection for travel, their appreciation for the diversity of culture and shaped their views on timeless design and enduring quality.

 A move to Park City in 2017 served as the final inspiration to launch their own brand. Products worthy of their mountain home, and the ones they wished they had for their coastal roots. SMMTs brand color is inspired by the iconic PC sunsets (what their children, Jack and Finley, call ‘Cotton Candy Sky’), and the moments we all reflect on the joy of a well spent day outdoors with family and friends. SMMT simply is Sustainable, Mountain, Marine, Travel; an enduring brief for a family brand born of a lifetime seeking the outdoors.